Would it be valuable to everyone for me to add a page to the site that served as kind of a blogging primer? I could briefly hit some of the following topics: What’s a blog? How do I post to this blog? What are the comments for? What’s the best way to read blogs? What’s an RSS feed?Read More →

This blog doesn’t seem to be populating the different re:Fresh categories we originally setup. What other categories do you think we should given some of the posts that have been shared so far?Read More →

I’m not sure how many of you are aware of the recent news of Mel Gibson getting pulled over for DUI and having a not-so-good attitude, spirit, demeanor and temper with the police officers that arrested him. As Christians, how dow we respond to this? I mean this is quite the change seemingly from the man who brough us “The Passion of the Christ”. Another great article from the MMI Weblog shares what I consider the best response I’ve heard so far. So, How Do We Respond to Mel Gibson Now?Read More →

Thought I’d share this with the group. I originally found it on the Monday Morning Insight weblog. With correct theology as a key theme at this summer?s LifeWay Worship Conference, Denver pastor Jim Shaddix challenged participants with his ?top 10 Commandments? for setting a theology of music in worship. 1. Thou shalt worship God, not worship worship. ?We are a people of extremes and we have a hard time maintaining a biblical balance,? Shaddix said. ?A long time ago, people were nervous about the charismatic movement, so worship services became like funeral services. Now the pendulum has swung all the way to the other sideRead More →