DC Talk has a new album coming out. Okay, maybe not new because it’s a Greatest Hits CD, but it’s still a new CD.
As I was looking at this new album though, I started thinking about all the albums they’ve put out and which one was my favorite. It also crossed my mind since I just finished working through an online survey for K-LOVE and the last song on the survey was “Lean On Me”.
So, with that being said, what’s your favorite DC Talk album? Let us know in our latest poll!
After visiting the DC Talk website to make sure I didn’t miss any albums, they pointed me into the direction of a great DC Talk fan site www.dctalkunite.com, which also focuses on their individual solo efforts. Lots of material. In fact, they should hire this guy to just do their official website for them.
I don’t want to influence your vote, but they’ve also got their own poll going on for the same subject and “Jesus Freak” is winning by a landslide. Their poll includes solo albums as well.