If you’re an artist and would like for me to write a review of your album, just complete the form below. Please be patient though as I do my best to review items only after listening to the albums for awhile to really absorb the music and lyrics as best I can.

I will do my best to review your album as quickly as my schedule allows, but I can not guarantee that I will be able to review all albums sent to me for review. I am based in Lebanon, TN and if you’re going to be in concert in the area and would like me to attend a concert and review it, just let me know that as well.

  • Tell me a little something about yourself. This may be used verbatim or edited in my review unless you mark otherwise.
  • If you have a song or album available online that I can access instead of shipping an album to me, please provide the URL to access that file.
  • If you don't have files available on a website and are looking for an option to share files easily online with others and control who has access to those files, we recommend Dropbox.com.

    When you submit your album review request, we'll let you know how to share those files with us in Dropbox in our email response back to you.

    Do you give me permission to stream a sample of your music through an embedded player in the review I post online?
    Are you interested in providing a copy of your album to be given away on our site to one of our readers?
    If you will be in concert within 2-3 hours driving distance of Nashville, would you like me to attend your concert for review and possibly schedule an in-person interview to be done on camera?



  1. Hi guys! I just thought i’d be so bold as to let you know about a new UK christian band called Lion of Judah! https://www.facebook.com/lionofjudahuk/  

    As a group we love God, and we love music. Our passion is to use the gifts God has given us to his glory. Our hope is to write music which comforts, encourages, and inspires our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as to bring some more variety and respect to the British christian music industry!

    We just released our first original studio recorded single called Sufficient For Me which you can listen to here: https://soundcloud.com/lion-of-judah-uk

    We would love any kind of interaction with you, write ups, interviews ect, if you are up for it! Thanks a lot and God bless, Josh

  2. Hello guys!

    I’d like to let you know about a Greek electronic composer named Sakis Gouzonis. His newest (9th) music album titled ‘Liberating Truth’ can be found at http://www.sakisgouzonis.com/music.html

    Any kind of support (album review, interview, etc) would be much appreciated.

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