These aren’t official music videos from the artists themselves, just two mashups someone has done. The first one is for the song “My Jesus” by Todd Agnew. Mixed with video clips from the movie “Passion of the Christ”. It really helps nail down (whoa, bad pun!) the meaning behind the song itself. The second one is about a Father/Son story that’s absolutely powerful. Dick and Rick Hoyt share an amazing story and testimony and these videos tell the story from an NBC showcase on the two as well as a video montage set to the song “I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe. Warning! Get the KleenexRead More →

Below is a video of a blogger that was the worship leader at Sandals church in California. He’s recently moved to Buckhead, GA and is now the service programming director at Buckhead Church, which I believe is part of North Point ministries. He was recently featured on the TLC show “LA Ink” and has a great story to share about his faith and staying busy at church.Read More →

I’m sure everyone by now has probably heard of the upcoming movie “The Golden Compass” even if they’re not familiar with the buzz about the movie coming from the Christian camps. I wrote about it here and since then my brother has shared some of his thoughts about the buzz and the movie as well. His thoughts don’t completely change my mind about the need to be wary of movies like this and not go blindly into the world thinking everything is just entertainment and there’s no chance of ulterior motives. The problem though, as stated clearly by my brother, is when Christians immediately reactRead More →